This evening after a fruitful day, I was led to the Rule of St. Angela. Angela's word always seem to come from her heart and touch my heart. This evening I quote from the Prologue of the Rule, verses 7-10.
...I exhort you, or rather I beg and entreat you all, that having been chosen to be the true and virginal spouse of the Son of God, you be willing first of all to recognize what such a thing implies, and what a new and astonishing dignity it is.
Then that you strive all all yourmight to remain as you are called by God and to seek and desire all the wyas and means necessary to persevere and make progress to the very end.
What an awesome reminder, I am humbled by the reality of my call from God, and I give thanks for the grace of perseverence which sustains me as I strive to bear witness to the "astonishing dignity" of God's call as an Ursuline Sisters, and the numerous other avenues of God's leading.
Today's Gospel reminds us, 'Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find,knock and the door will be open." Gracious God, coninue to deepen the awareness of this sacred call. Thank you for my call to be Ursuline and for all daughters of Angela in the Church.
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