The feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.... so many thoughts going on in my mind and mixed emotions on my heart. The gospel of today, Luke 9:32 states, " They saw his glory..." The disciples saw Jesus' glory unveiled on Mount Tabor. It really does take time to see what is in from of us. The disciples had been with Jesus many days but this day, they truly were able to see with different eyes, with a new perspective. Everything is ultimately in God's time.
Yesterday was a true lesson in this reality. I was both shocked and filled with gratitude at the same time for the unexpected death of my/our sister in community, Vickie, age 59. As one sister tried to comfort another, she stated, " Vickie has a very different perspective now, and sees what we continue to long for". Powerful words, comforting words, faith-filled words and convicted words to ponder.
Vickie, you now behold the splendor and glory of God. As daughters of Angela we walked side by side, and just a few weeks ago, sat side by side during our retreat at the Mount. I will treasure that experience, not knowing how close you were to the call to eternal life. It does take time to see what is in front of us, and I know you and God were preparing for the reunion and union that took place as you left us. Thank you for all you are to our Ursuline community. You knew so well our history, and the legacy we have. I ask your intercession on my ministry of inviting new members so that that history and legacy can continue. You have a clear and unique perspective now, continue to enlighten us with your research, enthusiasm, and reverence for the past, present and future. May God's peace enfold you, it takes my breath trying to picture the embrace of St.Angela greeting you and welcoming you into the eternal kingdom as her cherished daughter. You will be missed but remembered always for you gave so cheerfully and generously.