One legend of this feast gives this day a different name, Our Lady of the Snows. According to that story, a wealthy Roman couple pledged their fortune to the Mother of God. In affirmaton there was a miraculous summer snowfall and a church was built on the site. This legend was long celebrated by releasing a shower of white rose petals from the basilica every August 5th.
Now isn't that a lovely thought on this hot and humid day? Just the thought cools me from the 100+ degree temperatures promised us this August 5th. Happy feastday Sr. Amelia and all who look to Mary as their model for their faith.
On another note, I was reading that if we are truly committed to living the spiritual life, as Mary, the Mother of God was, we will listen in a very personal and intimate way to the Word of God. Through the regular practice of reading the Scripture, God's Word, and letting the Word descend from our minds into our hearts we are inviting God's Word to become enfleshed. Through the regular practice of spiritual reading and meditation we develop an inner ear that allows us to recognize God's Word that speaks directly to our most intimate needs and aspirations.
Enjoy the voice of God discovered in the Word today! We join Mary in prayer as we pray, "My soul proclaims the greatness of God, my spirit rejoices in My Savior!"
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