Two houses were built, one on rock and one on sand. When it comes to building a relationship, it is important to have a strong foundation. What starts out as a strong attraction matures into a deeper reality. You discover in a relationship one who accept you as you are, one who nurtures you when you are lacking, one who believes in you on days you cannot, one who loves you beyond what you deserve. A solid relationship is build on honesty, understanding, respect, reverence and love.
As I continue through this first week of Advent, I ask myself how solid and grounded am I in my relationship with Christ?
Today's readng from Isaiah reminds me."Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord is an eternal ROCK. He humbles those in high places and the lofty city he brings down. He tumbles it to the gournd, levels it with dust. It is trampled underfoot by the needy, by the footsteps of the poor."
I hope to deepen and renew in my own life my relationship with Christ, my rock, this Advent. Winter storms are coming, and the rain and snow are thrashing around me. I cling to the Rock who sustains me, rather than the sands that pull me away from being grounded in FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY. Only 24 rebuilding days remain until the feast of Christmas, the Incarnation. Build your hope on Jesus!
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