" A thousand years means nothing to you. They are merely a day gone by or a few hours in the night." Psalm 90:4 Time is both a friend and an enemy. I do my best to conquer it, and yet it continually slips by. I sometimes measure my life, my successes, and my productivity in terms of minutes, hours,days, and weeks. I am so grateful that God is not subject to my concept of time. After all, God is Master of the universe. When I place my trust in God I can know with certainty that I have all the time I need to do what God has created me to do and that I have plenty of time to become all that God created me to be. Hopefully some of my brightest hours lies ahead. How do you view time? Do you recognize that time is a gift? How will you use this gift today? God of all time, today, I entrust my time into your hands. Guide me and use me to utilize this precious gift of time to further your plan in me. I place my seconds, minutes, hours and day in your hands.
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