Let them have Jesus Christ for their only treasure.
---5th Counsel of Angela Merici
This beautiful image of Jesus as a treasure resurrects within me a memory from a beautiful song, I FOUND A TREASURE by Dan Schutte. The words are beautiful. "Jesus, Lord of my life, I can ask for nothing more. Than to see and believe that my life lies in you in the kingdom of my God. I found a treasure in a field... I will sell all I have, give all that I am, to claim the treasure of my heart." The words still gives me chills, to recall, recognize and embrace the depth of the richness that is mine in following Jesus Christ.
When Saint Angela calls us her daughters to go to the feet of Jesus in prayer, I recognize that this is perhaps what she intended. For it is there that I claim the greatest treasure in my life. The treasure of Jesus, who loves me, and loves us all. My hope is that someday I may truly embrace and believe how loved I am by Jesus. How precious I am in the eyes of God.
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