Getting my "missioning" letter from the motherhouse meant even more to me than usual this time. I have read it every day and hope to make a habit of that, to keep fresh in my mind what I am doing here in The City, far from the green fields of Kentucky.
"As community we are one in mission and ministry; the power of the entire community united in the Lord is present in the ministry of each member...together we stand with Jesus before (God) saying, "Here I am, Lord, send me." (from our Ursuline Way of Life)
I have felt so connected to community since coming here, in an even more powerful way, as my sisters and our associates reached out to me with a Christmas card "shower" and with many prayers and good wishes for this new ministry at the United Nations. In turn, I feel the real responsibility of representing them here, of being their face in this new work.
In the words of the missioning letter, I pledge to them to "witness to the joy and the challenge of the Gospel through (my) life of prayer, service, empowerment, justice, and contemplative presence, in the spirit of Angela Merici." And they must keep their promise to me of supportive prayer!