“The dawn from on high shall break upon us, . . . to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

The promise of peace is surely the greatest of all God’s gifts. For us as humans who get all caught up in fears and and competition year in and year out, the idea that there is a path toward peace is good news indeed. This solemnity of the Incarnation recalls that we believe Jesus was sent to us by God for the specific purpose of showing us the way of peace. Jesus is not only the Prince of Peace, Jesus is peace itself. Embrace Jesus and you embrace peace. Then, as promised, you will be filled with a sense of wholeness, harmony, healing, and hope. Let's proclaim with the angels, Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to all! A
lleluia! For today is born for us, Jesus, Our Savior, Prince of Peace! Alleuia!
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