Behold I set before you the blessing and the curse... Deuteronomy 11:26

Choose life! What does that mean for one who desires to spend this season of Lent aspiring to wholeness and holiness. Perhaps some time of prayer and silence can lead us to a deeper appreciation and determination to remove from our live, our hearts, our schedules, our list of things to do... to embrace only those things that will give us life. I am going to make this choice... when asked to do something, I will choose to pause, ask for time to pray about it, and embrace only those things where I will experiencelife, not death---feelings of have to, guilt, responsbility I will discard. Now I know some things that we think are death turn out to be very lifegiving. Anywhat, I choose life!
What about you? Is there something in your life that you need to do to choose life? Lent is not something we do for ourselves alone, was the message of my Ash Wednesday homily. Let's do it together--- choose life!
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