Long story short: I sent in my application the next day, was accepted into the first class of UNANIMA interns, and received permission from my community leaders to "go for it." Before accepting, I took the decision to prayer once more, but there was never any real doubt in my mind that this was the will of God for me at this time. It felt so RIGHT...a gift from God. In fact, I think there has never been a decision that was so clear for me...it exactly matched by "ideal job" specifications, and I felt a great sense of peace about it.
There was only one cloud on the horizon--I will have to live in New York City for four months. Now, I love the vitality and cultural diversity of New York. I've been there several times and loved visiting museums, sightseeing, and doing the "touristy" things, but I was always glad to leave. Let's face it, I'm a small town girl of the open spaces. Moving to Kentucky to join the convent was bad enough--all those trees blocked my view, and the colorful "bones of the Earth" that you can see so well in New Mexico were covered by grass back here. But there's always Central Park, and the place I will be living (a convent on the upper West Side) is not far from there.
There will be two of us pioneering these internship positions, a Brigidine sister from Australia and I, and our first day will be an orientation on January 15. My fellow intern and I will commute by subway or bus to the UNANIMA office on 43rd Street, near the United Nations building. When friends ask, "but what will you DO?" I have to admit I don't know, except that I will be working in support of the UNANIMA mission, which is to "work at the United Nations on behalf of women and children in conditions of poverty; immigrants and refugees; and the welfare of the planet." Watch this blog for further details! Next time you hear from me will be from New York, "the Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise."
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