Monday, August 29, 2011 enough

I am struck that on our journey through life, God is so generous in giving us enough. Enough guidance to keep us on the right path. Enough hope to keep us striving. Enough grace to allow us to stumble and pick ourselves up. Enough friends to keep us honest. May you realize this day, that you have enough so that you might listen to your heart and respond generously to our brothers and sisters throughout our world who are lacking so much. I have always thought that if everyone shared from their blessings, bounty, and abundance, there would never be people who die of basic necessities. Be blessed and be a blessing to others!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


The great football player Marcus Allen was commenting on how proud he was of overcoming a lifelong fear of water. He said, "Death will kill you once, but fear kills you over and over again, if you let it." Not a new idea, for sure...was it Winston Churchill who said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself?"

Easy to believe in our heads, but not so easy to accept in our hearts. People like me who tend to live in the future, instead of devoting our energy to the present moment, really waste time on fear. That's why I am trying to take as my motto the little prayer, "May the blessings of each day be the blessings I need most." Or..."give us THIS DAY our daily bread." The Israelites following Moses through the desert only gathered enough Manna for the day...We must trust we will always be fed with what we need!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I love this quote by Howard Thurman,

"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Now is that not something to ponder. What gives you energy and makes you come alive? Name it and go do it. I am headed out to enjoy a nice walk in the coolness of the afternoon!

What about you, what makes you come alive?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Do not lose heart!

I am continually among them provided they believe and do not lose heart.
--Saint Angela Merici, Counsel 5/38-39

As I continue sharing my journey in companionship with our founder, Angela Merici, her words continue to guide me. The day in and day out demands pull me in numerous directions. What keeps me centered and hopeful is linked to this phrase from her Fifth Counsel. Angela's exhortation, "do not lose heart" reminds me to whom I have committed my heart and why I am able to continue inspite of pettiness, negativity, demands, pressures,or just not enough of me to go around. It also helps to stay connected to my sisters in community who joyfully reflect fidelity, goodness and holiness. Thanks Marty and Julie for your witness, your inspiration and your support!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Today I was wondering: what made Jesus able to speak "with authority" in his hometown synagogue, in such a way that people noticed him for the first time? He surely must have spoken there in the 30 years before his public ministry began. That, and the fact that people at Brescia have been so welcoming as I began my new job this week, made me reflect on the role of encouragement and affirmation in our lives. Imagine how much Jesus must have been encouraged by the powerful affirmation he received from John the Baptist and from the "voice from heaven" at his baptism!

As a biologist I often get distracted by wondering what are the evolutionary advantages of certain forms of behavior; why would natural selection "choose" them for human beings? It's easy to see why encouragement/ affirmation would be an advantageous behavior. (Picture a group of proto-humans cooperating to bring down a Wooly Mammoth: "Good shot, Oogh! Now we have him.") But then I tried to imagine how the opposite of encouragement could possibly be good. I don't mean constructive criticism that helps us do a better job next time: ("Better to aim your spear at THAT spot, Oogh!") -- I mean negative gossip behind someone's back.

Can you imagine any biological, spiritual, or even personal benefits from negative gossip? So why is it such a "hobby" for some humans? Go figure. Affirmation and encouragement are surely more human, more Godly. "The glory of God is a human being, fully alive!"

Friday, August 5, 2011

I found a treasure

Let them have Jesus Christ for their only treasure.
---5th Counsel of Angela Merici

This beautiful image of Jesus as a treasure resurrects within me a memory from a beautiful song, I FOUND A TREASURE by Dan Schutte. The words are beautiful. "Jesus, Lord of my life, I can ask for nothing more. Than to see and believe that my life lies in you in the kingdom of my God. I found a treasure in a field... I will sell all I have, give all that I am, to claim the treasure of my heart." The words still gives me chills, to recall, recognize and embrace the depth of the richness that is mine in following Jesus Christ.

When Saint Angela calls us her daughters to go to the feet of Jesus in prayer, I recognize that this is perhaps what she intended. For it is there that I claim the greatest treasure in my life. The treasure of Jesus, who loves me, and loves us all. My hope is that someday I may truly embrace and believe how loved I am by Jesus. How precious I am in the eyes of God.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Embrace simplicity

We call upon each one to embrace poverty. --Saint Angela Merici

What has striving to live the vow of poverty taught me? Over the years I have deepened my desire to be totally dependent on God for all my needs. In today's society it is a challenge to not get caught up in consuming and greed. As I observe my sisters in community, I am inspired and encouraged to simplify my life. The fruit of this endeavor results in a genuine peace of enjoying the fruits of this surrender.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

God will provide

Saint Angela tells us today, "Do not be anxious about any temporal need, since God alone knows how to provide for you." Rule:10:16-17

Now how can one not be anxious in this world of today? It is a great act of faith to allow your heart and mind to let go of any fears, anxiety, or concerns about needs. However, every day on the news I witness those with nothing. Those who model total dependence on God and others for the basic necessities of life. I often think that I am where I am because my faith is not that strong. I get very anxious and as bad as I hate to admit I know God will provide, but my faith is lacking. I can say it with my mouth, I trust in God, but when it comes down to acting on that faith and trust I waver terribly. I know Saint Angela had reason to remind us, her daughters not to be anxious. As I embrace the call of the community in my position as Director of Vocation Ministry, there are fears, concerns, questions that arise. Community members asking, and rightly so, what direction are you going to take in this new ministry? Today, I entrust these words of Angela to guide me. In prayer Angela tell me. Martha, Cherished daughter, do not be anxious. God has a plan and God alone knows how to provide for you. Entrust you anxiousness and listen to God. God alone is enough. God alone will provide.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I profess

I just celebrated on Sunday the 28th anniversary of my final profession as a Mount Saint Joseph Ursuline Sister. Now I believe this is quite an accomplishment! I took the time to recall the events of that day when I stood before the community and the Church represented there and committed my life, through the vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and instruction to the Church. It has been a roller coaster ride, and I ask every day for the grace to persevere. The Church is continually evolving and my heart sometimes gets a little anxious but I know the Spirit will sustain and heal us, the Body of Christ.

I was able to celebrate the day by gathering with a faith community who was welcoming a new member into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. I thought it was a significant parallel. A man who embraced the Catholic faith by professing, "I believe and profess all that the Holy Catholic Church believes, teaches and proclaims to be revealed by God." I also recalled my own words of committment, "I know in whom I place my trust, and I believe that God is able to fulfill all that I entrusted to God through vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and instruction." It love this quote: "Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I'm going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy."

I am so grateful for my call to be a Mount Saint Joseph Ursuline and with passion and joy I embrace my call and speak my YES again and again!