Wednesday, October 12, 2011


When I finally learned to right click, it opened up the door to a whole new world of things I could do on my computer. (For those who are even less computer-literate than I was--if there are any people like that--that refers to clicking on the RIGHT button of the mouse, instead of the usual left button.)

But it's always like that when we step out of our comfort zone: first a period of confusion and darkness, then you can suddenly see lots of things you couldn't see before. I can think of a lot of Right Click Moments in my life. The decision to join religious life was a right click, and oh! the doors that has opened for me. The Enneagram was a right click--that sent my self-knowledge into overdrive. the United Nations experience opened up The World.

We should really be grateful for Right Click Moments, even when they are painful or negative...easier said than done, right?

Monday, October 3, 2011


I've grown up several times.

Thomas Merton said we grow up only when we discover we are not the center of the universe, that the world is bigger than we are--and that's happened to me several times.

Well, let's see, the first time I "grew up" must have been in that developmental stage of early childhood, when I discovered that other people's needs mattered and needed to be taken into consideration. That might happen later for an only child!

Then there was the stage in my teen years when I discovered that there was a transcendant character to the world, that God really was, and really was FOR ME.

Then there was graduate school when I matured intellectually, and learned to reconcile what I knew about the universe with what I felt about the transcendent. And most recently, my experience at the United Nations showed me how big and how small the world really is.

But Merton went on to say that when we grow up is when we really find God, when we move beyond ourselves. And I think we will not completely do that until the moment of death, when we give up everything into God's embrace. We have lots of "growing up" to look forward to!!!!

My God who beckons...

There are some days when God awakes you in the early hours of dawn. Today was one of those blessed mornings and it just seemed so appropriate today to greet you, My God who beckons with song. 

  As morning breaks, I look to you O God, to be my strength this day, Alleluia!

God's call is constant. It is heard in the silence, in the crisp morning air, in the memory of a loved one that is with God.  Today, I ask for an awareness to recognize the glimpses of God. May these God moments alert me to God's voice calling me to a deeper realization of MYSTERY and PRESENCE.