Both nuns and sisters are women religious and have responded to the call of consecrated life. Both use the title Sister, and both profess vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. However, there are differences.
Nuns belong to religious orders and live in monasteries. Sisters belong to congregations. When sisters live in community, they live in convents. Nuns take solemn vows of poverty, meaning they cannot acquire property. sisters take simple vows of poverty, meaning they can acquire property but not use it for their own purposes.
Nuns usually live in monasteries, and their primary work is prayer. If they do another type of work, it does not usually involve leaving the monastery. Orders of nuns incude the Passionists Nuns, the Poor Clare Nuns, Benedictian Nuns and the Redemptoristine Nuns.
Sisters are usually apostolic, dedicating their lives to professions such as teaching, nursing, or missionary works. They are not bound to work or live only in the place they reside. Orders of sisters include Ursuline Sisters, Charity Sisters, Franciscan Sisters, School Sisters of Notre Dame and Sisters of Mercy.
Both sisters and nuns do important work in our church. Whether in cloistered monasteries or in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, homeless shelters, mission lands, or thousands of other places and work, both build up the reign of God. Both have responded generously to the call of consecrated life.
Thus Ursuline Sisters are not nuns, although they have been know to say they are, they are canonically not nuns. So, you were not taught by the Nuns, you were taught by the Sisters! End of sermon, I mean lesson!
We know you are not a nun and we better not say otherwise!!! I was glad to be informed of the difference. I'm sure others are too.