There's a lot to think about with Angela's "terrific threesome" of Prayer, Fasting, and Pilgrimage...this time I was thinking about how PERSONAL they all are:
Even imprisonment and death can't prevent the movement of the individual soul to God in prayer. In fasting, I deny food to this body I live in (can you think of anything more personal than food that actually becomes you?) I remember Sister Cheryl Clemons telling us that in Angela's day, all some women had real control over in their lives was what they ate. And as for pilgrimage--well, you certainly can't hire somebody else to take a pilgrimage for you. You have to do the walking and put up with the blisters and mosquitos and hard beds yourself--otherwise it is not a pilgrimage!
All three must be experienced at a deeply personal level, which was where Angela was in her relationship with God--and where her daughters and sons aspire to be!
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